Daisy’s musical journey started years ago under the saccharine guise of conveyor-belt indie pop moniker, Daisy Dares You. Though short-lived, that experience paved the road she has been on since rejecting that persona entirely. Voyaging through genres, playing in different bands in different cities (Pink Lizards, Bad For Lazarus, Clever Thing & The Duke Spirit) she evolved her own sound, bringing together elements of all her experiences. Finally feeling she has wrestled some agency over her vision, she now embarks on releasing her self written, played and produced material in a bid to be as authentic as possible and to eliminate compromise in the process. The result is a collection of unrelenting love songs—new tales of old wounds, felt differently each time she revisits the memory. Dabbling between melancholy and ferocity, the raw honesty always displays definition, utilising sparse percussion and moody toms, sub-bass and vocal play to exploit its depth and harps, violins, synths and acoustic guitars to portray her femininity, the combination is original and unpredictable.